Sacrament Meeting Program
23 Lake Road, Irvine, CA
August 6, 2023 1:00 - 2:30PM
Presiding: Elder Michael A. Dunn, of the Seventy
Conducting: Chris Miceli, First Counselor, Heritage Park Singles Ward
Chorister: Kellene Cook, Chorister
Organist: Daniel Ricks, Organist
Opening Hymn: #6 Redeemer of Israel
Opening Prayer: Eric Keawekane
Sacrament Hymn: #195 How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Administration of the Sacrament: Heritage Park Ward
Testimony: By invitation
Testimony: By invitation
Rest Hymn: #85 How Firm a Foundation
Speaker: Elder Michael A. Dunn
Closing Hymn: #81 Press Forward Saints
Closing Prayer: Amy Lou Bennett